Friday, July 1, 2011


Pontianak Tourism is supported by the cultural diversity of the population in Pontianak, the Dayaks, Malays and Chinese. Dayak tribe has an abundance of gratitude for the harvest feast called Naik Dango and Chinese communities have a party activity and the lunar new year celebration worship the grave (or Kuo Cheng Beng ciet) which has an attractive tourist value.
Pontianak is also crossed by the equator is marked by the Equator monument in North Pontianak. Besides the city of Pontianak Pontianak also has a vision of making tourism as the city with a river.
Pontianak is also known as a culinary tour. Diversity makes Pontianak food as a culinary paradise. Foods that are known include:

   1. Sambal Goreng Tempoyak
2. Pekasam
3. Cuttlefish Pangkong (sotong Pangkong)
4. Porridge Rock (bubur pedas)
5. Pineapple Pacri (pacri nanas)
6. Pindang
7. Lemang (glutinous burned)
8. Spicy sour fish (spicy fish soup with sour flavor)
9. Kwe Tiau (a type of noodle, there are fried and soup)
10. Chai Cake (a kind of pastel that is not fried, contain yam, kuchai, taro or nuts. There are steamed and fried)
11. Kwe Cap (soup with pork skin, a kind kwe tiau, tofu, nuts and sometimes plus meat)
12. Kwe Kia Theng (soup with pork offal content)
13. Yam Mi (a type of noodles but very small with typical dishes on it)
14. Gwek Pia (known as moon cakes. Cake is filled with green beans)
15. Lo Ka Ci (a cake made from the starch and the exterior covered with sesame seeds and sugar)
16. Sio Bi (such as dumplings, but has its own taste with the sauce which is also different taste)
17. Swan Tau (green bean soup plus pieces of cake and fried like a cracker)
18. Peng Kang (a type of lemper, filled hebi)
19. Bak Pao (pastry stuffed with green beans, chicken or beef)
20. Bak Cang (steamed sticky rice and filled with chicken, salted mustard greens, peanuts and hebi. Sometimes added to other dishes)
21. Ki Cang (steamed sticky rice, cakes and how to enjoy them classified with sprinkled sugar)
22. Ie or Jan (sweet soup made from starch with little balls of red and white)
23. He Keng (fried meat that is made from prawns)
24. Kuan Chiang (a type of sausage, red)
25. Hu Ju (know that the red sauce is salty)
26. Koi lawyer or Rice Mix (mixed rice with gravy and a mixture of typical dishes of the typical tionghua on it)
27. Pwe Ki Mue or slurry plane (slurry is added an egg, pork and fat to taste typical)
28. Cap Chai (rice with lots of vegetables)
29. Tun Koi (essence of chicken soup with saffron and ginseng)
30. Keng Kue Tiau Ci   
  31. Soya Milk
32. Aloe vera drinks

Posted by : Sari Cahyani   

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