Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bubur Pedas

Bubur Pedas was first time found by Sambas Malay who live in the coast of Pontianak district and then known as the special food of Pontianak. This food interests the visitors to come to Pontianak and taste the deliciousness of Bubur Pedas. Based on its name “Bubur Pedas” is porridge which the taste is very spicy. But wait…!! Just forget about the name of Bubur Pedas, because something that you will find is porridge that is made from various traditional vegetables such as fern, galingale, and other leaf spices. The main spice is rice that is fried without oil and pounded and mingled with rasp of coconut, and also added pepper, coriander and other spices. It is not wrong that Sambas people call Bubur Pedas as the king of porridge because almost all of ingredients are mingled. Can you imagine what its shape and taste are? Don’t imagine it. Because it is never seen by your eyes before and there is no food like this. This is the traditional food that you can find when you visit to Pontianak.

Posted By: Indah Purnama Sari

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pontianak Oranges

Pontianak oranges (Citrus nobilis var. microcarpa) is a type of orange conjoined with the physical characteristics of thin and smooth, shiny skin. Pontianak oranges have a sweet taste and is one of the leading commodity Pontianak. Actually, this orange is not the result of agricultural production Pontianak. The center actually came from Tebas, Sambas regency. But orange has long been known under the trademark "Pontianak oranges. " In the Malay language term, "Tebas punye jeruk, Pontianak punye name. " 
Historical development of Tangerine which eventually known as the Orange Pontianak in West Kalimantan since 1936, precisely in the Tebas District, Sambas regency. Seedlings originating from the People's Republic of China. Until early 1950 have been successfully cultured citrus Siamese to reach 1,000 ha. In 1960 most of the orange tree was cut down due to disease. It is the people Sambas back to develop the potential of citrus. Area of ​​potential development areas KSP Orange currently between 10,000 - 20.0000 ha, contained in the district. Sambas. Its location is situated in a vast expanse of lowland in several villages in the District of Pemangkat, Tebas, Sambas, and Teluk Keramat.
According to the official website of Province of West Kalimantan, the benefits of this type of Tangerine, among others, in terms of its popularity is already pretty well known both within and outside the country (especially ASEAN). In addition, the productivity is also quite long (15-20 years) with a benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 3.59. Siamese orange BCR was the highest compared to other agricultural commodities in West Kalimantan. Also in the market prices are relatively stable and tends to increase.

Posted by: Indah Purnama Sari

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Traditional house in West Kalimantan

Malay house

Balairungsari or "House of Traditional Malay" is used for the implementation of various events. Typology of traditional Malay house is a house on stilts or berkolong, and having high masts. This is in accordance with local climate and the habits that have gone down menurun.Tinggi poles home about two to two and a half meters. traditional Malay house is a house on stilts or berkolong, and has poles high. This is in accordance with local climate and the habits that have gone down. High pole buffer the house about two to two and a half meters. The atmosphere in the room is cool and fresh because it has many windows and vents (vents). Under the roof, Malay House West Kalimantan has a folding roof awning (houses with steep roof) with the home position perpendicular  highway called the House Across Perabung. Especially for ornaments West Kalimantan Malay house is a mix of ornaments from royal-palace that is in West Kalimantan Malay. Space Center also have used for a members' meeting community.

Dayak house
Dayak house (call for custom homes in the province of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan), a house occupied by the Dayak people.
Betang houses discrete, namely: Stage shapes, elongated. Dayak tribe in particular, the manufacture must be longhouse upstream direction of the sunrise and the sunset next to the downstream direction, as a symbol of hard-work to survive from the sun to grow and go home in the sun outages. In West Kalimantan Pontianak from home can be encountered indigenous Dayak. One of them is on the road Lieutenant Sutoyo. Although only an imitation, but this Special Interest houses, enough to accommodate active in youth activities and art galleries Dayak. then if we are to the District Directions hedgehog, then we will see a Special Interest Sahapm Dayak in the village district. Pahauman. Then if we are to the District, then we can see the Special Interest in the village of Kopar District Parindu, then the next if we are to the county Sekadau, then we can see the house in Kampung Sungai Antu betang Hulu, Hulu Belitang District, the district Sintang Then we can see Special Interest Ensaid house in the village of length, District Tenebrous, then in Kapuas Hulu, We can also see still many houses are still preserved betang Dayak.

Posted by : Sari Cahyani 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Air - Through the air port, Supadio Airport, Pontianak is connected with some other big cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang and Yogyakarta. In addition, this airport also has direct international flights to and from abroad, namely to Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Pontianak also can be served from the pioneering flights to various districts in the capital of West Kalimantan.

Sea - Pontianak Port can serve the ships of goods and passengers. Previously through the pier is often served passenger ship to Jakarta, Ketapang, Sanggau and Putussibau.

Land - Pontianak ground transportation system is served by city transport minibuses commonly called oplet, taxi and some routes are served by city bus. Most of the routes in the city is served by oplet connecting several terminals. For departures out of the city road serviced at Terminal Batulayang.
By road is also served by buses between countries, namely to Kuching. Bus is provided by various providers, including DAMRI

Posted by: Indah Purnama Sari

Monday, June 13, 2011

Places of worship

- Mujahidin Mosque which is the mosque community pride Pontianak was founded in 1974 with a large dome-shaped cone triangular pyramid. The mosque is now in the stage of repairs and renovations this will not only serve as houses of worship, but also as a center of Islamic information.
- Jami' mosque or also known as The Jami' mosque of Sultan Abdurrahman is a mosque located in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. This mosque is one of two buildings that became a sign of the founding of the City of Pontianak in 1771 AD, in addition to Kadriyah Palace.The Jami' mosque Pontianak can accommodate about 1,500 worshipers praying. The mosque will be full filled congregational prayer, when time and tarawih Friday prayers of Ramadan. On the left side of the entrance of the mosque, there is a traditional fish market. Behind him is a densely populated residential village of Shelf, village in Bugis and at the front of the mosque, which also faces west, lies the Kapuas River. 
Christian Church of West Kalimantan (abbreviated GKKB) is a Protestant Christian church based in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. GKKB professes to believe in God the Trinity: God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Triune God, the same essence, equal power, and the same glory. And believe in Jesus Christ as the only Savior of men: he is the head of the Church and the source of Truth and Life. GKKB accept the Bible Old Testament and New Testament as the Word of God who has the supreme authority of the Church and the guidance of life for every member of the church. 
Klenteng or Tepekong
Shrine or Temple is the designation for places of worship of traditional Chinese faiths in Indonesia in general. Because in Indonesia, the adherents of traditional Chinese beliefs often identified as the adherents of Confucianism, the pagoda itself is equated as a place of religious worship Confucius. In some areas, the pagoda is also known by the term tokong.Thousands of Chinese in Pontianak, West Kalimantan province perform prayers in temples in the city, to welcome the arrival of the god of sustenance or carrier Thian Jade Thi Hong Kong or the Tie. 

                                                                                                                      Posted by : Sari Cahyani 

Kote Pontianak